Saturday, October 25, 2014

Updated: To The N.S.A., & C.I.A.: Chinese Foreign National Guest: Fire Science Mapping

At the Denver Federal Center, when I was working at the USGS, RTA division, my sexually abusive (towards myself and the I.T. secretary, his former branch secretary, Renee) boss, Tom D. (Italian-American, from NYC, who also frequently traveled to D.C.) had a close associate from China. He came to visit me, and gave a lecture at the division. He was a fifty-five year-old looking, Chinese foreign national, with the equivalent of a Ph.D in his field. He was considered a renowned, world expert in the field of fire science mapping.  They were quite close, Tom D. and this Chinese foreign national.

The week right after 9/11/2001, there was a classified mapping expert, a man, Caucasian, in his thirties, who was about 5'9, 170 pounds, who was working or sent from a NYC office. He tried to divulge classified information in the office, in front of multiple people, to me, while bragging about his job. I referred him to my other boss, Mike and told him that it was classified information twice.

The Caucasian, male, C.C.N.P.-certified network engineer and Diane, a temporary executive (who traveled to Mexico with her boyfriend) were also verbally abusive towards me. There was a suspicious, Caucasian man, who worked in Idaho temporarily, during the time there was a tragic wildfire there. He purchased a new pick up truck, and had to register it to Colorado remotely.

The mail courier, a Caucasian, young man, enjoyed asking me if I was a 16 year-old intern, stalking and sexually harassing me. He had a tragic car accident at one point and had Jekyll and Hyde moodswings. He mentioned no one was hurt in his car accident with another vehicle to me personally, in my office space. I noticed he was acting more strangely, extremely agitated about something.

The two Caucasian, men, Computer Scientists, close friends with each other, who worked immediately outside my office, on Mike's side, not on the fax machine side, were sexually harassing and abusive towards me.

There was two cents/gang signaling with a Canadian traveling executive's travel expense report. Sandy (who was job hunting), was confused about converting the Canadian currency to U.S. dollars. He had traveled to Banff, Canada, for work, and Sandy was familiar with this area also. The accounting department (two Caucasian females) had a discrepancy from using an older software program than the newer, more exact, travel accounting one loaded on my computer. Pat and another Caucasian, female accountant, who owned a small ranch were in charge of this Banff, Canada two cents/gang signaling travel expense report.

They had the ranch-owning accountant, not Pat, in PM, write a two cent hardcopy check for this, to the RTA department from their PM department, instead of updating to the more exact, travel expense software, that directly reported to the main/central D.C. office.  Later on, these two accountants had a conflict with Tom D. regarding his last-minute authorization request to the PM executives, for his newer laptop.

In the PM department, beyond the meth-faced, hungover, angry student intern locking me into the paper shredder room, both Sandy and that abusive intern, Jennifer participated in withholding access to the previous RTA branch secretary's electronic forms, necessary to my position. I would instead, create my own MS Excel supply order forms, that had calculation formulas built into it.

Jennifer, the abusive, meth-faced intern, from PM, also "lost" a RTA expense report for travel, which I was told, in person, was given to her, by the RTA, female, Caucasian scientist. I went to Jennifer and was able to finally get the hidden (in Jennifer's desk), unfinished expense report, for the necessary reimbursement to the RTA scientist. She claimed not to have gotten it at all, but couldn't look at me in the eyes/as if she were lying to me. She also had recently showed up at work looking very hung over, improperly attired for work, and unbathed/with bad hygiene. I asked her to check her desk again. She finally found it and handed it to me.

Jack, another executive next to my desk, would sometimes deliberately miss the recurring department meeting, and blamed me once for this, even though he was often at Best Buy, shopping for electronic gadgets, on his work time. He was often disgruntled about a demotion, which he blamed on Tom D.

Jill and I discussed the need for her department to custom design and develop access-restricted, error-checking, accounting software, due to a large, financial budgeting error/"typo" caused by a RTA, Caucasian, male who was assigned to input travel accounting data (department-wide, expense reporting for Mike). Later on, another female, Caucasian software developer who claimed Jill had missed a software development deadline, was screaming at her, right outside my office space. I got Mike from his nearby office, to try to calm the screaming woman/software developer before it got more violent.

Jill also told me any duplicate forms for travel authorization requests could be shredded, to save on space, which was running out for personnel files. The filing cabinets were full, plus rent space was expensive there, and so that was the solution. Electronic archiving was possibly too expensive because of the layoffs/streamlining being done. Tom D. was trying to find out if anyone was not needed there, by analyzing job positions with Dottie, from Personnel. Mike H., the "XO" to Tom D., was trying to get Dottie all the necessary job descriptions of the employees for this, and helping Tom D. with projecting the department's budget for next year. Jeff S., from another department was transferred back to his former department by Tom D. He considered this to be a demotion also. Diane, an abusive executive, was put in his place/office, but had a conflict/professional problem with Jill.

The Dallas, Texas-based, CST regional executive, an employment placement company that later merged with SAIC, was a heavy drinker. I found out in person, from her, Kathy, that they had previously had conflicts regarding their employees frequently being abused at this place of employment by the male scientists and engineering staff. Kathy and Tony, (a lookalike to a Denver V.A. Medical Center physician, Dr. Colbert's divorced, lesbian supervisor), a female, I.T. network manager, neoconservative Christian, Caucasian, in RTA, were close friends).

Patty, an I.T. executive was angry at me, because Tom D. had me call her to teleconference in for a department meeting. He had conflicts about her not being available at the meeting and told me she needed to be called in for it. Her refrigerator was getting repaired at home, so I asked her to teleconference in for the meeting.

Although my boss, Mike approved me for a permanent office manager position with RTA, including wanting me to handle classified maps, I gave two weeks notice due to being abused and discriminated against, as a disabled, female, minority, Persian Gulf War veteran. At my job interview, I disclosed my military service, and they were upset upon finding out I was a disabled veteran. The PM human resources officer, a female, Caucasian, pressured me about signing up for the Selective Service, although I had already been active duty in the Navy.

Joel, a Britney Spears fan, and my PM accounting supervisor, had memory problems following a recent bout of bacterial meningitis. He told me this in person. Later, he admitted to me near his desk, that he had been drinking too much alcohol with Ray, a high-ranking RTA executive. He wasn't feeling or looking well (severe flu-like symptoms) he said. Since he was in fragile health, I told him he needed to see his doctor and take a sick day from work. It was flu season, and the end of the fiscal year, when a large amount of travel expense reports are also being generated and reviewed. Tom D. had also caught a flu virus, called in sick and I told him about Tamiflu.

Regarding Ray, the high-ranking RTA executive,  & Joel's drinking friend:
He was often mentoring a college student, Tanya, from Florida, in his cubicle alone. He didn't participate in a new baby gift card project for another female coworker who had a newborn baby, born with a birth defect, needing surgery. Tanya was often unable to get her timesheet done by the payroll department's recurring deadline, every other Friday by noon, ideally. She had apartment plumbing problems, an unresponsive, or illegally neglectful landlord and always seemed extremely agitated, overwhelmed and stressed out at work.

A PM employee (her assigned timesheet co-signer) would take care of Tanya's timesheet with me. That woman, the one with the George Clooney photo in her PM cube, wasn't always available for that, as she was divorcing an abusive man, who will need to be found and interrogated for that abuse. I believe it was Pat, the accountant in PM, and Sandy, who helped me once with Tanya's timesheet instead.

I also wore a Buddhist, jade (Kuan Yin) necklace to work, but was called "one of those Muslims," for it, by some of the racist, Caucasian coworkers at RTA. Post-9/11, one of the USGS executives gave a required department-wide speech on inclusiveness, especially towards Southeast Asian Muslims. It generated more racism towards me from the same coworkers, including Tony, one of Kathy's drinking friends. Joel was the only other minority there, aside from myself. He was a Hispanic-American male. I was one of the four veterans there also. The other three veterans were Caucasian, all males, except for one Caucasian, female.

After I left the federal center, I ran into my boss, Tom D., at Park Meadows Mall, in Littleton, Colorado. Then, at Colorado Mills Mall, while with my five year-old son, in the food court, I saw Jill and an older, Caucasian man, who resembled a man that came to my Mountain Run apartment door once. I was living in Evergreen (the same town that the PM secretary lived in) at the time. I ran into another racist, Caucasian, female (the one who always had a large, retro, brown beehive hairdo, 50's aged, a lookalike to my high school Business Technology teacher in D.C.) co-worker from there, at the Jeffco Action Center in Lakewood, which I was touring to volunteer at, while my son was a five year-old.

These Denver Federal Center hate criminals could be harboring other criminals at the shelter run by them. I interviewed with a young, Caucasian female who frequently traveled as a tour guide in France (fluent in French and American English). The Caucasian, male from the USGS, who also participated in harassing me, volunteered at the Lakewood blood donation bank (Bonfils), that I donated blood at sometimes, with Nathan H. I would get repeated (monthly) phone calls from them, to donate more blood.

Since Mike admitted to stalking me, I certainly did not need them to continue that after leaving the federal center. At RRCC, the heavy drinker, Lisa S., who had replaced me at RTA, showed up in my programming (I.T.) class, to discuss me with my abusive, criminally stalking, Caucasian, female, programming professor. She was from Florida, and had a private consulting business, in custom software and website design.

Right before I left, they hired a new cleaning company, managed/run by an angry, South Asian man, in his late twenties, who was upset with me for asking him if he needed any help, since I found him wondering around the USGS. He was a lookalike to the two harassing pimp, Seven Corners, Virginia, cab drivers, and the one Australian, former accountant cab driver who hated George W. Bush. The cleaning company was changed post-9/11, after the suspicious briefcase with white powder was found on the federal center, causing an evacuation. Also, around this time, weaponized anthrax letters were found and an unknown shooter was preying upon the general public in Northern Virginia/D.C., my hometown.

The other lookalikes to be careful about: Suzanne L.A., the Sufi Muslim counselor from Mile Hi Church in Lakewood, the police officer turned social worker from the first protective shelter I was referred to by the Denver V.A. Medical Center, and my Evergreen LCSW, Pat W. All abused me also.

Please pass this onto the NSA, and CIA for their stolen, classified USGS maps' investigation at the Denver Federal Center and my being raped at the Denver V.A. Medical Center.

Thank you,
W.C. Duong Hemingway
Former U.S. Navy, RM3,
Admiral's Radioman,
MDC Supervisor,

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