Sunday, October 26, 2014

Litmus Test For Character (Trustworthiness)

There's a movie called "How To Lose A Guy In 10 Days," but nothing on Why To Lose A Person On The First Meeting.

Here are some red flags to consider with recognizing both male and female criminals:

Look at their or your own photos with them. Listen to them describe those photos. Check for: physically rough activities between adults and small children. Trinia H. enjoyed swinging a 5 year-old child in one family photo, around by their arms, which can cause deliberate child abuse injuries/non-witches elbows.

She also liked accusing people of stealing her wallet, and photos, while participating in stalking me (including in the bathrooms). Her boyfriend had taken her wallet and showed up to give it to her at the watchfloor.

While looking at their family photos with them, check for drug-addicted, narcissistic, name-calling abuse, e.g. they can't resist pointing out to others, "that one is the fat/ugly/retarded/loser sexual virgin family member."

Abusers enjoy controlling behaviors:

Check for memories of them acting strangely controlling towards yourself about which newspapers, books, magazines, clothing stores are allowed/approved.

Do they humiliate, abuse and control you in other ways? Do you need to look, think or act more like them or their drug cartel thugs, male and female around them, or risk further abuse? An abusive Sufi Muslim cult/counselor that needed to see me five days per week forbade my reading a major newspaper, the NYT, which is controlling, abusive, and unusual behavior. Many drug addicts do this also.

Do they always need to know where you're at, or dictate where you're allowed to go, or always be with you? Do they act like the mafia, stalking you electronically through others, calling police or having infantile rages if you're not at their side, available for their abuse, or fetching/serving/fawning over them constantly?

Do they often act unreliable, ordering you somewhere, to pick them up/rescue them, even through multiple state lines, but then disappear or cause you to look for them? They tend to do this on purpose, as another way to test boundaries, or groom victims.

They also enjoy character assassination remarks, e.g. antisemitism ("Jews killed Christ") or demonizing minority females. If you sense/feel you've entered the Massachusetts Salem Witch Hunts with them, or regarding them, that's another red flag.

Do you feel/sense "heebie jeebies," being lied to, manipulated, coldness from them, or that they lack human decency/compassionate to others smaller/more vulnerable/helpless than themselves?

Do they enjoy repetitive, abusive storytelling regarding a time when they broke their own puppy's four legs, like Ian W.? Do they stroke pictures of under-aged minors in swimsuits, especially if it's one of yourself as a teen at the beach, looking thirteen years old, in front of you?

Do they mention how young you look, e.g. Trinia H. enjoyed pointing out how I looked twelve in my boot camp picture, but then participated in sexual abuse against me.

Do they try to lure you to their drug dens, to attend "sex parties" that involve passing out/exchanges of their used "sex toys," and punish, stalk, abuse, blackball, create a smear campaign for declining those invitations?

Does their presence on the watchfloor make you remember both the risk of roofies and your Dad's Vietnam War military and intelligence work prior to being a POW?

Do you sleep under your childhood teddy bear print blanket at "A" school, listening to bluegrass/folk/country music but need to almost-daily remind someone to take their scheduled birth control pill? Does that individual have stripper-looking, breast implants, regale you, as an uncool, poor, Jewish radioman/radioman student with stories about celebrity backstage rapper tickets, their "powerful church" connections, and "T-bill" rich, banker sugar daddies?

Do you often buy and consume lollipops, candy rings, and slurpees in front of these drug cartel thugs, at age 18, while looking twelve to them, in the middle of their Heidi Fleiss activities?

Do they mention with glee, how they hate your female chain of command? Do you often need to find other bathrooms, or showers, away from them?

Do you often still wish that you could tell your African-American, Senior Chief from bootcamp that the real Navy you had been sent into was predominantly Caucasian, male, or all-Caucasian for no reason?

Do they make sexist, violent, racist threats to you that Asian females are all sluts, or that Japanese mothers are frequently giving oral "sex" to their children? Do they bring up names of "porn celebrities" to compare to you, as an Asian-American female student/veteran/service member, and ridicule you for not knowing Asian "porn stars" names?

Do they abuse, beat women and molest teenage runaways as a truck driver, then compare you to Asian porn stars in general, or do they enjoy mentioning the movie, "General's Daughter," to you in an abusive manner?

Do they grab your cellphone, the landline phone and/or your laptop away from you, and look through it, as you're telling on them?

Do they abuse and punish you for believing in God, or telling rabbis/church elders about their abuse? Do they have powerful friends who are abusive towards you for believing in God and talking to church pastors, or rabbis?

Do they act very similar to the violent criminal from that movie, "The Talented Mr. Ripley" or remind you of "The Silence of the Lambs" movie in some manner?

Compare them to your Admiral. Does your Admiral have gold/platinum teeth, wear huge gold bling, gangster clothing, show nude photos of their wife or deliberately show their private parts, including derriere cracks, or thongs for pleasure in public?

Do they often brag, not lie, or get "confused" regarding training with AK-47's, or get their German-heritage biker militia(s) confused with the U.S. Navy Military Drill With Weaponry training?

Have people died prematurely around them, after they confessed to having a "sexual addiction" at N65, e.g. Chloe B.

Is there a SIDS death, an "accidental" electrical fire due to them and domestic violence against their wife? Do they have Jekyll and Hyde moodswings at work?

Do they remind you of/act like Charles Manson?

Do they show up hung over, unbathed/dirty, to teach their community college classroom? And does their body language and facial hair change drastically (extremely rapid/overnight full beard from being clean-shaven)? Do they have abbreviated body language, like some aggressive doberman pinschers, where they suddenly lunge at you? Do they participate in shouting curse words, or name-calling, verbal abuse against you?

Do they enjoy throwing things at your face in the classroom, e.g. a mini-stapler that they ask to borrow from you?

Do they like stealing your keys out of your backpack at community college?

Do they somehow need to look through your mailbox, trash or trespass onto your property and break into your house as you sleep/shower? Does your mail seem stolen?

Do they enjoy prank calling, stalking you, even off-base, afterwork, with private security guards patrolling your place? Do they also like stealing newborn infant baby clothing an African-American coworker/friend gives you for your own baby's birth, after causing you to go into labor?

Would they be allowed next to your rabbi, pastor, or the Admiral, acting in this manner?

Do they feign incompetence while sabotaging electronic equipment?

Do they gang signal on the watchfloor by using the Spanish word for "mariposa," associated with Tri-state, butterfly-tattooed, meth-dealing, shotgun-wielding, Italian and biker mafias criminals? Is this the only Spanish word they seem to know, not the Mexican-American, Spanglish, conversational style, but only a gang signaling word in Spanish? Is their body language open, expressive, compassionate or cold, detached and clinical/pimp-like?

Did they receive specialized training in MDC/communications technology equipment, which "mysteriously" breaks, endangering the nuclear command, so they can appear a "heroine" by fixing what they deliberately sabotaged in the first place? Are they known for abusing Top Secret-clearanced Hawaiians, Asian-American  civilians, while wearing both flame red lipsticks and bright blue eyeshadow at work also?

Although they claim Mexican-American culture, do they act like your Mexican-American, high school principal, or the opposite? Do they seem warm, caring, friendly to others, including pregnant/breastfeeding, scared, impoverished, illiterate, and molested high school teenage mothers, or do they instead rape a traumatized, poor, Mexican-American teenager, while fraternizing with Caucasian hate criminals, who teach hatred towards all women, Asian-Americans, Hispanic-Americans and African-Americans?

Do you, yourself, trust them to be a chauffeur/cab driver/bodyguard/nanny/nurse/physician/attorney/chef/waiter to your Muslim-American, Asian-American, Hispanic-American, or African-American childhood and teenaged friends? Do you think they would be safe around, or chauffeuring any Diplomat, Consulate, or General's children from D.C.?

Do you start to remember the Ides of March and the many Roman Empire's Brutus' from Latin class while around/regarding these individuals?

Do they relish repeatedly regaling everyone at "A" school classes, about how they urinated on their Catholic school teacher nun in the Catholic school bathroom?

Do they brag out loud, in front of everyone  about having already had sex with, and being able to have sex with all the female service members in their "A" school classes, while lingering around people's open/unsecured foods, beverages, medicines, keys, and toiletries?

Do they openly grope small, minority children's private parts and/or masturbate to ejaculation at the local recreational center's children's pool right next to them? Or are they "merely" the Providence Recreational Center (Northern Virginia, Caucasian, Aryan-looking) lifeguard who thinks it's just fine to have them there after you've reported them? They're Caucasians, after all.

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