Sunday, October 19, 2014

Say No To Drugs

Once in my fourth grade, there was a vice cop that came to visit and gave us a Say No To Drugs speech. His descriptions of crack and meth were absolutely chilling. We also had a field trip to the local jails. The toilets were clogged. Conditions were not pleasant.

Then, firefighters came by to go over Stop, Drop, and Roll, (when on fire) in elementary school also. Those were effective ways of teaching, although the ESL children nearby were still probably being abused.

It could have been more effective if there were a shoebox to put in anonymous questions. Two questions that I had at the time, for the police officer/vice cop and firefighters were:

1. How come some fourth graders get breast implants?

2. How come some fourth graders get flame red, cosmetic tattooing on their lips?

Later on, I found out that it was because their fathers were actual pedophiles, according to them. I forgave them for continually abusing me, but I believe that they, and their medical professionals who did that to them were also criminals. Doctors, nurses, and dentists who participate in that type of activity do exist. They are usually drug cartels/human trafficking criminals.

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