While in the U.S. Navy, in Hawaii:
I lived in a place that was owned by a friend of my coworker, the U.S. General's daughter. Nearby were sexually-harassing, drug-dealing, criminally stalking, Hawaiian, young male, gangsters/addicts who worked at the Orowheat bread factory. Please try to find and drug test them. They possibly broke in and stole my son's baby clothes out of my car, after I was held at gunpoint by the U.S. Navy SWAT team, while at work.
That latter incident was caused by the 6'5, Caucasian, male sailor who bragged about raping male sailors on the submarine, his mistress, ex-wife, and current wife. He set off the command center's hostage alarm, and claimed that it was an accident.
One coworker, a Hawaiian, male sailor and Navy Seal candidate, nicknamed "Coconut Head" by my senior chief, passed around a nude picture of his Hawaiian, hula dancer wife, while on duty, on the watch floor.
Please pass this onto N.C.I.S., F.B.I., and D.E.A. These individuals could also be connected to having me raped at the Denver V.A. Medical Center.
Thank you,
W.C. Duong Hemingway
Lakewood, Colorado
Former U.S. Navy, RM3
Admiral's Radioman,
MDC Supervisor,
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