Thursday, December 25, 2014

Alpine Rescue in Evergreen, Colorado Needs U.S. Navy Equipment & Former SEAL Consultants

It's best to sonar scan the pond at the top of Mt. Evans on a regular basis, once per month at least. I think there are two called Echo Lake, and Summit Lake, but truthfully both look like a pond. Many people swim there in the summertime, go trout fishing at many area trout ponds, and there are a lot of hot springs to scan regularly. The hot springs have a lot of drug cartel activities, and they enjoy taking people there with trust funds, to "overdose" on cocaine, heroin, etc. I don't know if Alpine Rescue can actually handle that, so the U.S. military should assist.

The cheaper, civilian sonar equipment could get damaged by extreme hot springs and icy Lake, or pond conditions in Colorado also. Dredging equipment and U.S. military-trained (Special Forces only) divers are necessary. Peat bogs in CT, and ME will be challenging to regularly find and safely retrieve all the dead human bodies out of also.

***There needs to be 10 safety nets, put into1/4 mile segments of the large, running stream, and a six feet high, concrete, moss rock fence built at Kittredge's playground. Children will fall in and drown there otherwise.***

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