Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Biology I With Lab Tips:

1. For human cellular respiration, human cellular lifecycle diagrams, make fifty copies of each diagram, and try to practice filling them in everyday, for an hour, until you memorize all of  those diagrams.

2. At the same time, memorize all your post test photosynthesis information from your textbook, and CD-ROM quizzes.

3. Remember, there is no actual shortcut in the class. For assigned, textbook reading, get lined, memo sticky notes, and rewrite each single paragraph in your own words.

4. Type up all your notes from class lectures, after each class, and go through them everyday, with a color-coded, highlighter marking system. Create illustrated vocabulary flashcards (attached by a metal ring, lined on one side) for memorizing the vocabulary/terminology.

5. Try to get extra credit assignments and join/start a study group on campus.

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