Wednesday, December 24, 2014

To ACLU: Westminster, Colorado Housing Assistance

We're going to need to rush some housing assistance forms through, with the Mayor's offices, in order to get everyone in our Laotian immigrant community safe, affordable housing.  The Laotian elderly especially require 24/7 nursing care, with bilingual caregivers, which is a continuing concern in every impoverished, illiterate, challenged, newly-immigrated community.

We need them to have a public voice, with radio and television times. They'll also need bilingual newspapers by their own community leaders, in order to let the Mayor know what's been occurring to their communities. We're allowing the newly-immigrated, Laotian community to be disenfranchised otherwise.

Also, let's sign up our Laotian children of all ages to participate in free, federally-funded, Fresh Air Summer Day Camps, to learn sailing, baseball, basketball, soccer, archery, tennis, golfing, swimming, fishing skills. It's important they also have wintertime indoor rock-climbing, martial arts, yoga, ice skating, ice hockey, skiing and snowboarding lessons, as they include our at-risk teenagers also.

***Let's mentor these at-risk teenagers, by having them signed up for these activities, year-round. Remember, we need them learning Business Technology skills in year-round, feminist, I.B., afterschool programs also. I hope we can get the teenagers all typing 30 wpm, by the end of next year, Dec. 31, 2015.***

***I hope the Westminster, Colorado Mayor can get federal grant requests through for $500,000 to build an afterschool, teen computer lab for academic enrichment, A+, MCSE, CCNA training, and Business Technology skills, with Westminster, Colorado's Laotian Buddhist Temple. After the computer lab is set up, hopefully for free, donated by Cisco Systems, Inc., we'll need full-time, bilingual, feminist, certified network engineers (CCIE's only) to instruct the Laotian teenagers year-round, at least at least a hundred, full-time, certified, feminist, GLBT-inclusive teachers.***

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