Wednesday, December 10, 2014

To Feminist, Minority D.E.A. S.O.D., C.I.A., N.S.A., & F.B.I.:

Catherine Diane Rier (Greenhalgh),
Caucasian, executive at Gallery Leather, in Ellsworth, Maine :

-Sexually harassed and criminally stalked me, while I was stationed at COMSUBPAC N6, N65 and afterwards

-Stole $40,000 U.S.D. from my joint marital account in Australia to protect your female, Caucasian, poly-addicted, Las Vegas, Nevada, gorilla pimp, and Chinese-pimping, daughter, Lynn Greenhalgh

-Flirted with your own father, Julian/"Barney" Rier in front of me, when my son was a year-old

-Admitted to sexually molesting your own children to me in person, with David Greenhalgh, and pimping them out repeatedly to David Greenhalgh's pedophile, politician, family members

-Had me raped, abused and criminally stalked repeatedly by Caucasian, medical doctors, including at the Denver V.A. Medical Center

-Is an opiate-based, painkiller, morphine addict

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